A Dog in Man's Clothes

Dogs are no longer just for the eatin'. The small dog has redefined its role in Korean society. They're now the object of lavish affection. This dog is sporting its casual wear for a jaunt in the park. But it's likely to have an outfit for every occasion.
Now, big dogs are reserved for the dinner table. It's really messing up the pecking order--allowing small yappers even more license to growl and bark at everything.
I know what you all might be thinking. Before I arrived in Korea, I made some pretty staunch claims that I'd eat dog at the first opportunity. I know that many will be saddened to hear that I rescind those outrageous. It's more than the fact that dog meat isn't kosher.
Fido finds its way to your plate in a grisly manner. He's hanged by the neck and then beaten to death, or in modern times, electrocuted. No coup de grĂ¢ce, here. Keeping the dog alive as long as possible allows more adrenalin to percolate into the meat. Dog meat by nature is tough and stringy. The more body blows he takes--the more tender to chew.
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